The Battle of the Multiverse


The battle for the Mutiverse has begun!

An animated short commissioned by Steve of Checkpoint to celebrate the channel hitting one million subscribers. It's an action-packed showdown between his channel mascot and their arch-nemesis, Mesa.


Luke Green
Fraser Brown

Voice Actors

Steve: Himself / GUIDO
Esther Christo: Arnetta
Cyrus Rodas: GREEDO, Cheering Fan
Alexandra Brokowski - Cheering Fan
Patrick Mealey: Cheering Fan
Jack Dillon: Cheering Fan
Meggie-Elise: Cheering Fan
Kwebbelkop: Mesa Fanboy

After years of war, it's time for Mesa and Steve to finish their interdimensional rivalry... the fate of the Multiverse depends on it.

This is amaaaaaaaaaazing!

Steve (Checkpoint)